Huttons Asia targets 6,000 agents by the end of 2024, with a 17% rise in its agent base

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Kassia new launch

For 2022 Huttons Asia saw a 17% increase in the amount of agents. According to the Council for Estate Agencies’ (CEA) public register shows that Huttons Asia saw an growth of 718 agents in the this year, increasing from 4,154 agents on January 1, 2022 to 4,872 agents by January 1st of this year. It is still the third-largest estate agency in Singapore.

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A press release the agency reveals its position as the agency that is growing the fastest for the second year in a row. In 2021, it recorded 29% growth, going from 3,210 employees as of January 1, 2021, to 4,154 associates on January 1st, 2022.

It also notes that many agents from other agencies have chosen to sign up with Huttons. “For instance, 320 representatives of PropNex, 93 agents from ERA Realty, 44 from OrangeTee & Tie and 22 from SRI relocated to Huttons. Huttons has hired four51 fresh real estate salespeople as well as returning salespersons who have been out of the field within less than two years” the report states using data by CEA as well as

Mark Yip, CEO of Huttons Asia, says the agency is “on track” to reach its target of 6,000 associates by the end of 2024. “Achieving the title of most rapidly growing agency, for the second time in a row was no easy feat considering the difficulties the economy as well as the property industry faced,” he remarks.

In the words of Yip, Huttons will intensify efforts to create an “efficient technologically-equipped, highly-data-rich, and data-rich organization and the best in-house training and broker support”. He continues “Our transparent sharing environment is what sets Huttons distinct from other agencies. We also emphasize authenticity and relevance.”

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